Her father was besotted with the new arrival. 她的父亲完全沉浸在新生儿带来的喜悦中。
He's a new arrival. 他是新来的。
Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on their new arrival. 祝贺剑桥公爵夫妇喜得贵子。
The new arrival immediately changes the line of succession to the British throne, which has been occupied by the new arrival's 87-year-old great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, for more than six decades. 这名新生儿的到来立刻改变了英国王位的继承顺序。60多年来,男婴的曾祖母,现年87岁的伊莉莎白二世(QueenElizabethII)一直担任英国女王。
He must be a new arrival. 他肯定新来不久。
Paul wondered again when he saw his friend whisper to Florence, as if she were comforting her; but a new arrival put that out of his head speedily. 保罗看到他的朋友梅丽亚向弗洛伦斯低声说了些什么,仿佛在安慰她似的,这又使他感到奇怪;但是一位新来的人迅速地驱除了他头脑中的诧异。
The new arrival joins a family that famously has its ups and downs. 这位新生儿加入到一个经历了大起大落的家庭中。
I'm glad you've taken the initiative of welcoming the new arrival. 非常高兴你已经主动欢迎了新同学。
First on the list could be a change in your domestic circumstances or a new arrival. 首先计入日程的会是国内(家里)环境的变化,或者可能会是新的来访者哦。
We are sending a little gift for your new arrival. 我们寄上一份薄礼,给你们新诞生的小宝宝。
The appearance of the new arrival called off my attention. 新来的人的出现,使我的注意力分散了。
Any new arrival is soon made to feel welcome. 新到的客人很快就会受到热烈欢迎。
All these are new arrival. 这些全都是刚到的新货。
The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 新生的婴儿又大又健康。
We are expecting a new arrival in the family. 我们期待着家中将添一个新生儿。
We can go to take a look at the new arrival at Baleno, have dinner, and then see the ballet. 我们可以先去班尼路看看新到的货,再去吃晚饭,然后就去看芭蕾。
Book in new arrival raw material, count the quantity if it's right. 新到原材料录入,核实数量是否正确。
"No," she said in a voice that implied it should be obvious, even to a new arrival like me. “不,”她说话的腔调像在暗示着这是显而易见的事实,即使是对像我这样初来乍到的人来说。
Aren't you gonna introduce me to the new arrival? 不给我介绍一下新人?
Either of two offspring born at the same time. The new arrival was a large healthy baby. 两个同时出生的婴儿。新生的婴儿又大又健康。
Questions were showered upon the new arrival. 对新来者提出了许多问题。
Their new arrival was keeping them busy. 他们的新生儿使他们忙个不停。
Bless my heart! Exclaimed the new arrival, grasping both the other's hands with his own. “哎哟,我的天哪!”刚来的人紧握着那人双手惊呼起来。
With a new arrival? You know better. 有新犯人我怎请假?
Her small, brown, untrained Terrier has bitten the ankle of a new arrival. 她的那头棕色的、未受过训练的小在一名新来者的足踝上咬了一口。
But any new arrival faces a succession of hurdles. 但是任何外来新物种都面临着一系列阻碍。
The new arrival was no other than the president. 刚到达的正是总统本人。
The new arrival was none other than the lady principal. 新来的不是别人,正是女校长。
The new arrival was a daughter. 新生婴儿是一个女孩。
A new arrival should give Cole the impetus he needs to work a bit harder in training. 相信新生命的诞生会给乔·科尔带来更多的动力,激励他在训练中表现得更加努力一些。